And I’m totes Vanessa’s bestie and she has blogged about me heeaaps of times (as you can see lol), and I thought I’d be cool and post a blog on hers coz I’m mega bored right now and should be studying but like I’ll just do that tomorrow…
Well I’ll just update on both of us coz we go to the same school and all. We have HSC trials starting on Monday, kinda shit. They go for two weeks and so afterwards, to reward ourselves for all our hard work we’re all gonna go out and have a ball to celebrate!
We’ve also planned on going to Melbourne after the actual HSC instead of schoolies (which is gay) to shop’n’shit. I’m so excited. This reminds me that we have to book our flights/accommodation haha. And here’s a fun fact, I’ve never been there so I’m more excited than the others.
Also, Vanessa has gotten me onto eBay, I have bought a bag and top (which isn’t much) and do intend to buy more coz it’s just so fun and cheap! The only thing that sucks is the other bag I was gonna buy went up to 185 dollars and so my life is over (not really) but this bag was Bally and so nice.
Today I drove, I have now completed 31 hours and 15 minutes exactly and today for the first time I parked in a shopping centre car park in between two cars :O AND parallel parked too! It was amazing. To me, I way prefer parallel than normal parking, I don’t know people think parallel is the worst. Just thought I’d share my experience with you all.
So I think that’s it for now, but don’t worry I will definitely be doing this again coz this is hella fun.
xoxo gg
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